The invention of 2022.
On January 9, human history crossed two major milestones. These are events that speak volumes about the collective efforts and achievements of the developed nations.
The first landmark event is in Asia's superpower China, which after decades of hard work has finally developed an artificial sun whose heat will be many times higher than the current sun in a given area and it has been suspended in an area where normal conditions prevail. The heat of the actual sun was not enough.
The second is from NASA's James Webb telescope.
The James Webb Telescope is the world's largest invented telescope to date, which a few days ago was sent into space by NASA with the help of the European and Canadian space team by folding a rocket from the ground. It was so large that it was impossible to send it without folding it into any of the world's rockets.
It reached a total distance of 1.2 million kilometers from the earth and successfully operated all its veils by operating it from the earth.
Has been unfolded. You can't help but admire the fact that 344 parts had to be operated from the ground to open this telescope, and if even one step failed, the whole mission would have failed.
It was a historic day that this telescope was operated by NASA team from here and made functional as it was made.
At the time, the scientist was hoping for that.
In addition, the James Webb telescope was preceded by the world's largest telescope, the Hubble Telescope, which was installed only 600 kilometers from Earth about 30 years ago.
The United Nations hopes that James Webb will explore new horizons and help unravel the mysteries of the universe.
You see the development ratio of other nations in the world that 1990
In just 30 years, the nations that installed the Hubble telescope 600 km away from Earth have covered a distance of 1.5 million km in space.
Well, leave these things, what do we have to do with these things ...
1. Tell me when Nawaz Sharif is coming back ...?
2. Imran Khan's Nanhal Mirzai is that Qadiani ...?
3. How many years will hell burn for recognizing Israel?
4. What are the benefits of doing Rifa 'ud-Din, and the consequences of not doing it?
5. To subdue the mother-in-law, the marriage of one's choice, your beloved In the footstep.